Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Contest 3 - The Rhythm and the Rhyme

Let the poetry flow!

Moonrat has inspired and encouraged so many of us. The Mischief is such a small example of the ways in which Moonie brings light and life to the world.

How does Moonrat inspire you?
Write a Moonrat-related haiku.

In case brevity isn't your style, feel free to delve into sonnets, couplets, an epic poem, free verse, what have you.

Contest: Write Moonrat a poem. Post your entries in the comments section.

Deadline: 11 pm ET TONIGHT

Award: One $25 Amazon gift certificate donated by Precie

Judge: Moonrat or anyone she designates.


Froog said...

Ach, I just wrote a couple of dozen for Moonie's own blog. I'm all haiku-ed out! Give me a moment...

OK, how about this?

Through dry desert wastes
Thirsty writers crawl to the
Well of Moonrat's blog.

Precie said...

I'm going to leave it to Moonie's discretion, but as co-organizer, I would be happy to allow Moonie to fold her haiku contest into this one. :)

jjdebenedictis said...

(Yo, dese here stanzas are all part of the same poem.)

Kind-hearted Moonrat
Your warmth flows like clear honey
We feel we know you

You fling us sparks of
Humour and encouragement
From your heart's bright hearth

An insider's view,
Hope, kind words, and some tough talk
What can we give back?

Just our words: these poems,
Our novels, silly comments,
And, of course, our thanks

Kiersten White said...

Hrm. I'll see what I can do. How about a limerick?

There once was a rat named Moonie,
who gathered a group, quite loony,
they were her mischief
their spirits she lifts
That rat icon makes them all swoony.

moonrat said...

nice! let's make "swoony" happen!

jalexissmith said...

Must I feel mucus?
Music is better to hear.
Karaoke rocks.

Whirlochre said...

Albino rodent
bounding through the blogosphere.
Listen! Her squeaks speak.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! I'm not going to torture Moonie with anymore of my so called poetry. My gift to you, Moonie: No more poems from me, LOL.

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Whirl! You killed me again!!!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Ok this is an ode I wrote awhile back but it is fitting tribute to Moonrat:

Ode to Tabasco
Oh glorious red marvel of hot treasure
How I adore thee all the time!
Boring foods now have become a pleasure,
although you burns me behind.

moonrat said...

Thank you all!

Kiersten!! I love it. I'm totally posting it on my blog.

Kiersten White said...

Ah, shucks! Thanks! We love YOU, which makes poetry very easy.